Thursday, October 17, 2013

26-30! i'm still at it!

I have some free time this month – so I am going to do a lot of practice. Figure drawing (which I will not post), art camp and some other tutorials (I need some diversity :D)... I'm looking forward to it... :D

And by the way – I have a new website – everything together again and a lot more simple:

Monday, August 19, 2013

starting all over again...

i have some spare time between illustrations – as i didn't do all assignments during the course – i'm starting again and doing everything in my own time...

week 1 master studies! I kept it loose – it's just about values and colors...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

week seven – material and edge studies

i didn't have had a lot of time the last days due to deadlines. but i wanted to do at least one study and have an eye on edges... it is not the most perfect photo for studies – but i fell in love with it – and wanted to have some fun! :D

i found this one on

Saturday, June 22, 2013

week six – studies from photos

i already recognize how i improved my view – color and composition wise. i totally love to do this photo-studies. it is an exercise i did already for a few month, before the camp started.

i got a little bit obsessed with this one...
screenshot from drive.

i found this photo on reddit/earthporn

Sunday, June 16, 2013

week five – going outdoors – summer would be nice... :D

i'm still busy with commissions, but i found some time today to do my first outdoor studies – it was a lot of fun – i don't know why i havn't done that before (okay, i know – i always thought it would be awkward... :D) iPad/procreate

another park this time – in a cafĂ©, again very bright, very much reflection – orange this time... :D

just a short time ago on my balcony – the sun was really bright.

yesterday in the park – really hard to create depth with all this green stuff... :D – and i already learned – only cheating with atmospheric perspective helps... :D

this one was done in the afternoon without direct sunlight. the iPad was reflecting heavily – so the colors are a little intense – they looked kinda dull during painting... :D

the second was done in the evening – the ipad wasn't reflecting that much anymore

back from london

i had a great time in london. london is such an inspiring city and i shot a lot of great photos – hope to be back soon :D. the workshop was totally inspiring and i met some great people.

i saw some of the pictures i made studies from in the national gallery – that was fun. i found them by chance – and it was like: oh, i just studied from this... :D

it sucks that i couldn't do the assignments from week 3+4 – i will make up for it after the workshop.  but i did some sketches from imagination. iPad/procreate

Friday, May 24, 2013

week two – color sketches from imagination

hi again.

i'm still super busy so i will not be able to put more time into the studies – but i'll not give up on them either! this week we are supposed to do 1 fully rendered master study – which i will skip due to lack of time – 25 color studies from the masters and 25 color sketches from imagination.

the sketches from imagination are really a lot of fun – and exactly what i want to learn – to be much more relaxed and free – and just start doodling for fun. i did it with my first piece – and it was GREAT fun! :D

as the sketches from imagination are full pictures, i'll post them as they appear... :D


first one – this took me 2,5 hours – nearly a speedpainting for me... :D 

and some color studies from the masters...

the last one – for now... :D

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

week one – master studies

hi guys – welcome to my art camp blog. 

i will give you an overview of what i achieved during this workshop. as it always is – everything comes at once. i have such a busy schedule now, i have nearly no time at all to do the assignments properly. but i give everything i can – and i can go back to this after the course ended.

so instead of 50 3-value studies, 50 color studies and 3 fully rendered master studies – i did 10 3-values and 10 color studies of the same pictures... and i didn't went for pretty – i only wanted to get the values/colors right.

stuff i learned right now: greens are often orange and finding the colors from a picture wich is mainly kinda beige/grey – is really hard – as in REALLY hard. and blues are hard for me too.